The Long Way Home 12.23.2022

Well, it’s that time of year again. The sun rises at a quarter to eight and disappears less than nine hours later. With the weather we’ve been getting, the clouds have made the depressing lack of sunlight, short as it is, even worse. And the snow. Enough already. On a happier note, the sun is moving toward us again since Wednesday and longer days are coming. The Winter Solstice, a cause for festivals and celebrations for millennia, has led to many of the holiday traditions in modern times. Ancient cultures viewed this time as one of death and rebirth. Christians adopted it as the time of the birth of their savior. Seinfeld adopted it as the birth of Festivus. And so it went. Yule, the predecessor to today’s Christmas, began as an ancient pagan winter solstice festival. People celebrated with a 12-day feast and burned a Yule Log that stayed lit for all 12 nights. Can you sing the 12 Days of Christmas? We Swedish people began a festival of lights, called St. Lucy’s Day, ...