The Long Way Home 10.25.24

As an aged capitalist and proud entrepreneur, I like to follow stories about people who run small businesses and those who try to make business ownership a little bit easier. I recently stumbled on an article on StartupNation, a multimedia company offering “in-the-trenches, how-to content authored by subject matter experts, thought leaders, and business professionals.” Titled “Solve the Real Problem…Not The Symptom,” it caught my eye because that statement is the essence of organizational leadership. Much of the energy within organizations, by which I mean the time and talents of people trying to fulfill a mission, is wasted on dealing with symptoms, not real problems. One example is how we pay for and manage healthcare delivery. Back in the day, when I sported cufflinks and braces (the 80s), my partners and I thought providing health insurance for our people, including ourselves, was a responsibility. We started off paying monthly premiums for employees and their families. Covera...